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How Much Do Pharmacists Make in Washington State

Pharmacist salaries in Washington State are among the highest in the nation. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for pharmacists in Washington was $128,590 in May 2019, which is much higher than the national median of $124,170. The top 10 percent of pharmacists in the state earned more than $167,660, and the lowest 10 percent earned less than $91,530.

Location and Industry

Location and industry can significantly affect the salary of a pharmacist in Washington State. Pharmacists in the Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue metropolitan area earned the highest median wage of $134,880 in May 2019. The lowest median wage was found in the east Washington nonmetropolitan area at $116,120.

Pharmacists employed in specialty hospitals often earn the highest salaries in the state. In May 2019, pharmacists in this industry earned a median wage of $139,410. Those employed in general medical and surgical hospitals earned a median wage of $130,880, and those in pharmacies and drug stores earned a median wage of $125,700.

Experience and Education

Experience and education can also impact the salary of a pharmacist in Washington State. Those with the highest levels of education and experience often earn the highest salaries. Pharmacists with a Doctor of Pharmacy degree earned a median salary of $128,590 in May 2019, while those with a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy earned a median salary of $122,160.

Pharmacists with more than 10 years of experience can expect to earn more than those with less experience. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, pharmacists with 1-4 years of experience earned a median wage of $118,680 in May 2019, while those with 5-9 years of experience earned a median wage of $128,700. Those with 10-19 years of experience earned a median wage of $140,360, and those with 20 or more years of experience earned a median salary of $143,170.

Employer and Benefits

The employer and benefits can also affect the salary of a pharmacist in Washington State. Pharmacists employed by the state government earned the highest median wage of $138,220 in May 2019. Those employed by pharmacies and drug stores earned a median wage of $125,700, while those employed by general medical and surgical hospitals earned a median wage of $130,880.

Benefits, such as health insurance, can also increase the salary of a pharmacist in Washington State. According to a survey conducted by the Pharmacy Workforce Center, pharmacists in Washington State had an average of 17 days of paid time off in 2020. They also had an average of 12 paid holidays and an average of 3 sick days per year.


Pharmacist salaries in Washington State are among the highest in the nation. Location, industry, experience, and education are all factors that affect a pharmacist’s salary in the state. Employers and benefits can also have an impact on a pharmacist’s salary. Pharmacists with the highest levels of education and experience, those employed by the state government, and those with generous benefits can expect to earn the highest salaries in the state.